This post will show the process for capturing packets from a login to an unsecured website and subsequently analyzing those packets to find the login credentials in clear […]
Creating a Custom Alert in Suricata
Using Kali Linux, this exercise will walkthrough the process of creating a custom rule in Suricata to alert on an attempted telnet connection from a remote host. First, […]
Scripting a Port Scanner with Python
This post will walkthrough the creation of a python script for scanning open ports on a remote host using Kali Linux. To begin, open a command terminal in […]
CTF Walkthrough
This lab will detail the process of capturing flags from a target machine setup through using an instance of Kali Linux for the workstation To begin, connect […]
Configuring A Remote Linux Desktop through XRDP
In a previous post, the process for creating an Ubuntu VM through Microsoft Azure was detailed step by step with the result of gaining access to the Linux […]
Writing a Simple Bash Script
This post demonstrates how to create and run a very simple bash script in Linux using the command terminal. The purpose of the script will be to output […]